A broken nose is extremely tender to touch, swollen with typically bruising around the eyes (black eyes)
Nose bleeds generally occur immediately after injury and lasts for a short time (around 10-15 minutes)
Difficulty breathing out of the nose
Change in the nasal shape
When to seek emergency treatment
The following symptoms warrant urgent medical attention:
Breathing difficulty – to ensure that there is no septal haematoma (blood clot in the midline partition of the nose)
Persistent nose bleed
Leakage of clear watery fluid from the nose (this could indicate a serious head injury)
Breach in the nasal skin
Visual disturbances
Loss of consciousness
Treatment of a broken nose
Emergency treatment is variable addressing the above issues
It is best to confirm with an ENT specialist if the nose is broken or not
The best time to assess the nose is approximately 7-10 days after the trauma when the swelling starts to settle down
If the nose is deviated, manipulation of nasal bones is indicated, and generally carried out within 2-3 weeks after injury
Surgery for a broken nose
Manipulation of nasal bones is a simple procedure ideally done under a general anaesthetic. The bones will be manipulated to their original position where possible
A small splint or dressing is applied to the nose, which is removed 7-10 days after procedure
If the above procedure fails to correct the nose then a surgical procedure called Septorhinoplasty is warranted and is generally carried out after 3 months after the original injury
Please click HERE for more information on the ENTUK website